Carolyn Inabinet, NCTM
Carolyn Inabinet is the president/owner and primary piano instructor at Music Works Community, LLC, an association of music teachers in Phoenix, Arizona offering piano, guitar, voice and violin. Ms. Inabinet was a 1968 Phi Beta Kappa graduate from the University of Tennessee with a major in piano and French. In addition, she has done extensive graduate work at both the University of Tennessee and Arizona State University in early childhood music, instructional design and technology, and music history as well as graduate study in piano and classical organ. She is co-author of Practice and Progress (1992) and The FJH StudioOrganizer (2002).
Ms. Inabinet is a member of Phoenix Music Teachers Association(PMTA), Arizona State Music Teachers Association (ASMTA), Music Teacher’s National Association (MTNA), National Guild of Piano Teachers (NGPT), and the Early Childhood Movement and Music Association (ECMMA). She has an extensive background in music education for young children.with graduate work in early childhood music at Arizona State University. She began teaching Kindermusik in 1980 and holds Kindermusik and MusikGarten teaching certification in all curricula as well as Levels I and II certification in Orff/Schulwerke. Ms. Inabinet has Harmony Roadcertification and Music Works Community has been a licensed KiddyKeys facility. In addition to her piano and young children’s expertise, Carolyn is a certified facilitator for HealthRhythms® and has a specialist certificate in Roots of Rhythm®.
Ms. Inabinet has received permanent professional certification with the Music Teachers’ National Association and has been a speaker at four national conventions. In 1988 and 89, she was a presenter at the first music technology symposiums held by MTNA. In 1996, her article “Beyond Piano Instruction: A Decade of Evolution and Revolution” appeared in The American Music Teacher, the national MTNA journal. This article addressed a nationwide problem withindependent music teachers…zoning. In her 1996 MTNA National presentation, she shared her experiences and knowledge gained during a five-year zoning battle and subsequent resolution with the City of Phoenix. In 2003, Ms. Inabinet was a presenter in the MTNA National Conference Poster Session with PianoFonics®, resource materials for group and private instruction.
In addition, Ms. Inabinet is the author of The Cranial Connection, originally an introductory handbook to cranial osteopathy and more recently, expanded into a website. She has received recognition from the American Academy of Osteopathy as well as the Arizona Osteopathic Medical Association for her contribution to manipulative osteopathic literature.